Holiday Stress
Posted 12/13/2019 01:45PM

The Causes of Stress

It's the holiday season. Fires, presents, snow, and good food... what more could you ask for? But that can come at a cost. The holidays can be very stressful. You maybe have two days until Christmas and you have bought no presents, or the turkey is burning in the oven; or your families' pending arrival is stressing you out. You're breathing heavily, you are sweaty, and you feel the anxiety rising. Yes, holidays can be stressful.

What is stress?

According to the dictionary, stress is a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances.

Causes of Stress

  • Chronic illness or injury.
  • Emotional problems (depression, anxiety, anger, grief, guilt, low self-esteem)
  • Taking care of an elderly or sick family member.
  • Traumatic event, i.e., Natural disaster or theft
  • Work overload or underload
  • Family/Friend conflict
  • Holidays

How to calm your nerves in a healthy way

  • Change your environment. Go outside for a walk after a long lecture or watch some tv after working on a project for five hours straight. For example, Ms. Cordido says "when stress makes you feel bad..."
  • Practice breathing exercises
  • Do an art project. Draw or Paint
  • Talk to someone about your feelings: School psychologist, a teacher or your parents
  • Relax. "Learning how to manage stress takes time and practice but it is important to set time aside to unwind," adds Ms. Cordido

About WiNK

WiNK (“Wooster Ink”) is Wooster School’s online student news publication. WiNK serves as the student voice of our community, and provides readers with a weekly overview of what's happening in our students' lives, and it gives students a chance to share their interests and voices. The majority of the content is developed in our Upper School Journalism classes, but we also accept contributions from other students and faculty members.

WiNK Contact

Brooke Thaler

Publications Teacher

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