True Crime: Idaho and More...
Posted 01/20/2023 02:57PM

True Crime: Idaho and More...

by: Molly Clark & Cece Purkiss

As police continue to investigate the murder of four Idaho college students, new details are being released weekly. It was recently discovered that the suspected killer of the four students, Bryan Kohnberger had been directly messaging one of the four students. An Instagram account that belonged to Kohberger repeatedly sent messages to one of the college students found dead but she never returned his advances. It is believed Kohnberger said something along the lines of, "Hey, how are you?" multiple times without receiving a response. The messages found were reportedly sent in October. The source did not disclose which of the girls Kohberger messaged but it is known that the suspect followed accounts for all three girls on Instagram prior to the murders. The messages from Kohberger's account were sent around the same time that the detectives claim the suspect was stalking the victims. It has been confirmed that Kohberger's cell phone was pinged in the same location as the four students in the weeks before the murders. Kohberger has been officially charged with four counts of first-degree murder and a count of felony burglary in the quadruple homicide and his court date is scheduled for June 26th.

Unfortunately, because the court date is not until the beginning of summer, Molly and I (Cece) will only be able to write about any pressing updates that are released about the case. In the meantime, we will be focusing on something a little bit different. Following along with our crime unit, we will be touching on some of the disappearance and murder cases that do not get as much news coverage. Around 607 people go missing daily, yet the only ones that get news coverage seem to be the attractive young white females. Molly and I want to try and break this pattern of being drawn to just the front page news cases and dive deeper into the ones that don't get as much screen time and national attention. The Idaho murders have been an example of this. This case was terrifying and extremely shaking for the whole country and got news coverage extremely fast. Interviews about the murders aired on TV last week, which is a shockingly quick time frame for something to be created and released on something that happened relatively recently. This just shows the power of the internet and how when a case like this gets attention, it really grabs the attention of everyone that is affected by it.

We will be shining a light on some of the cases that are not given as much awareness as they should have and trying to figure out why exactly cases like this one grab the world's attention more than others. Stay tuned.

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