Chapel for WiNK
Friday, May 22nd, 2020
Centering Moment
Let's start out as we always do by gifting ourselves a time of quiet mindful meditation. This video will guide you through five peaceful minutes that will allow you to connect to your breath.
Song Of The Week
Unwritten by: Natasha Bedingfield
This week's song is Unwritten by Natasha Bedingfield. This song is probably very familiar to a lot of us as it was popular in the early 2000's (it personally brings a lot of nostalgia back for me when I hear it). Recently this song has been featured in some TikToks which is how it has come back up. But when really listening to the lyrics of the song it speaks very true to the times we're experiencing right now. Currently things are very uncertain right now and that can be super nerve racking. But it remains true that the future is in fact still unwritten. So if you need a reminder that better things are to come give this throwback a listen.
Chapel Presentation
The Great Realization- Tom Foolery
This amazing video was shared to me (Jillian) by Alice Purkiss (2021). It puts a very interesting spin on the current situation we're in right now. This video will hopefully give you a different perspective and make you appreciate even the most difficult times.
I (Rev. Tickner) think it is important you take a moment and appreciate everything you have accomplished during this time of sheltering-in-place and remote learning. In a moment's notice everyone had to adapt to a new form of school. And, with a lot of hard work and a willingness to adapt, teachers, administrators, and students transitioned a whole school online. If you take a moment to let that sink in, it's incredible. So, for appreciations today, take a moment to appreciate all you have accomplished in these last few months.
Have a great weekend!
Jillian Schnaudigel
Rev. Stephen Tickner